Saturday, August 23, 2008
other thoughts on The Dream and Trickster...
So funny, because he mentions the idea that “the whole of Levania does not exceed fourteen hundred German miles in circumference, that is a quarter of our earth.” (p-27) and while this is a comparison, like any other travel narrative makes between what is home and what is foreign, it also includes a qualifier of “German” miles…making the comparison even more specific, than just a comparison using generic distance. (there was a really funny parallel with measurement in Umberto Eco’s novel The Name of the Rose, where one of the character’s is trying to get information and is sidetracked by a monk’s description of various modes of measurement within the same country (tablets, trabucchi, emine, brente and tankards (p-269).
By contrast, its interesting to note that Trickster Travels, in referencing Yuhanna al-Asad and his book The Cosmography and Geography of Africa, mentions that al-Asad didn’t try to give locations using latitude, longitude, or number of days traveled (p-101), but instead attempted to use an estimate o distance in (unquantified) miles. travel narratives, no matter where theya re located or who they involve always try to bring back the idea of how it compares to what the reader knows, and how it can be (in some way) measured and quantified.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Role of Man and Woman/ Paradise Lost
The warning that Raphael gives Adam about Eve being evil puts doubt into his head about her, if he was warned why let her go about her chores on her own. I thought that Milton was contradicting his own writing, everything was being put forth infront of us, if Adam would have continued in his machismo role, she would not have agreed for her to go on her own.
Adams Knowledge
"Hail holy Light, offspring of Heav'n first born,
Or og th' Eternal co-eternal beam
May I express thee unblamed? since God is light,
And never but in unapproached light
Dwelt from Eternitie, dwelt then in thee, [ 5 ]
Bright effluence of bright essence increate.
Or hear'st thou rather pure Ethernal stream"
Act III, line 1-7
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Milton's motives and authority
Monday, August 18, 2008
God respected Man's Integrity
Authority - Subject Relationship
For some reason I have always been interested in issues pertaining to power and control (not sure if this is good). For this reason, the following passage from Book V stands out for me.
God made thee perfect, not immutable;
And good he made thee, but to persevere
He left it in thy power, or ordained thy will
By nature free, not overruled by fate
Inextricable, or strict necessity;
Our voluntary service he requires,
Not our necessitated, such with him
Finds no acceptance, nor can find, for how
Can hearts be free, be tried whether they serve
Willing or no, who will but what they must
By destiny, and can no other choose? (V.524-534)
When I think of 17th century England, I am automatically engaged with a society that was struggling with issues of power and control. I think the concept of the absolute sovereign is very interesting and very convenient (in terms of controlling the masses). Although Milton is concerned with obedience to the divine authority in the above passage, the concept can clearly be used with authority to the governing body. Milton addresses the relationship between the authority and the subject. I believe he is stating that obedience is only valuable when the subject has the choice. If the subject chooses obedience, than that authority has the internal (conscience) and the external (voice, action) obedience of the subject. When the subject is forced to obey, the authority has only the external obedience.
Hell as more than just a place
Sunday, August 17, 2008
When Our Reason Fails Us
Eve and Redemption
Although historically Satan and Eve are blamed for the Fall and that may be true to a large extent, Eve's attempt at redemption is much more significant than Adam's. In fact she is willing to die childless in order to save mankind, thus she becomes much more like the Son of God than even Adam.
Kepler, Bruno & Galileo
that this text is sometimes described as the first work of science fiction. Kind of interesting.
I was more interested in reading about Galileo and Bruno; these two were bold. I am of course familiar with Galileo, but I do not know very much about Bruno. I have been to Rome a couple of times, so I am sure that I have seen his statue at Campo de Fiori, but I was too overwhelmed to remember it. I think it is interesting that Bruno wanted to use science to unite the protestants and catholics in Europe.
With regard to Galileo, I enjoyed reading The Starry Messenger. It was interesting to read about the discovery of things that seems so obvious to us now. I found the text easy to follow, and I felt as if I was receiving a mini-lesson in earth science class. With regard to the Letter to Christina, I like the way in which Galileo lays out his argument. He does a good job of directly addressing the conflict between science and religion. Because I have little to no religious background, I rarely think about this. However, Galileo's text clearly conveys how difficult it was to put forth new ideas during a time when unpopular ideas were disregarded because they might destroy the order of things. I immediately saw the connection between Galileo and Milton's Paradise Lost. If I remember correctly, in Paradise Lost the quest for knowledge is not encouraged...but we will get to that on Wednesday.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
satan, predestination, england as ancient isreal...rambling
And you can look at not having any free will as the absolute control of a monarch in power (the people, like Satan, have no control). So, the people railing against the king and his total control is comparable to Satan railing against predestination and God and so, maybe, in that context, that could be why Satan is a bit sympathetic.
On the other hand, if the fall of Satan can represent the fall of man as a whole through the sin of Adam and Eve and the eating of the apple from the Tree of Knowledge, then can it also represent the fall of England and a disappointment on a grand scale that Milton might have felt with the political and moral turn his country was taking?
And then, if England is the land of the Isrealites, the English, Milton's countrymen, would be comparable to the ancient Isrealites. So, then, who is Moses of the first few lines of Paradise Lost leading the country to the Promised Land? Is it his Cromwell taking England from across a religious and political desert (as formerly controlled by the monarchy) to a Promised Land where monarchy has no control? Then it would be a symbolic trip (of 20 years or whatever) through events of politics and civil unrest, etc. instead of a literal 40 year wandering through the desert. So then, would the fall of satan, (also-mankind -so also england) be the return to a monarchy and the Restoration of the king?
So maybe the Restoration is really the fall or Hell itself? ??? i'm just saying...
Monday, August 11, 2008
worldmaking and astronomy
Bruno- No New Discoveries
Kepler's Dream - based on reality yet fantastical and fascinating
Kepler's dream is really fantastical yet very scientific in its basis and depth. I am not a science major so I found myself mystified at first.It took me a little while to figure out what he was trying to convey. The dream is a highly imaginative work.Kepler dreaming of himself as a youth living in Thule with his mother, who is somehow in touch with spirits from distant lands like Levania.
In his description of the places and details of Levania which is really a geographical description, he also lists out his own astronomical findings. He describes the activities of the sun and the earth if one saw them from the moon.He talks about day and night,the seasons and even the hemispheres .Kepler was the one to discover that the path of the earth is elliptical and not circular. The example of the moon is really to explain to laypersons the motion of the earth.
Bruno - In Praise of Reason
Sunday, August 10, 2008
A Whole New World

The dialogue format of The Ash Wednesday Supper works quite well in terms of expressing the underlying views expressed. Bruno is able to ask and then answer the inevitable questions which would follow his support of a heliocentric cosmos.
Bruno’s insistence not only of an infinite universe, but of an infinitely inhabited world seems to me an extraordinary belief for an individual living during his time. It was blasphemous enough to believe in a heliocentric cosmos, but by asserting there were worlds out there which were inhabited, might have been enough to convince the Catholic Church that Bruno was disavowing a belief in God. Who were these inhabitants and what was their relation to God?
I was also quite intrigued by the writing style and the contents of Kepler’s Somnium. By formatting it as a tale about a young man and his odd mother, Kepler is able to put forth his own theories about the cosmos. It becomes a story about his own beliefs infused in a science fiction story sure to cause readers to revaluate their own beliefs.
And finally, I really enjoyed reading the works of Galileo. As an avid viewer of the Science channel, I have watched several programs concerning Galileo’s theories, so it was finally great to read his own words. I was particularly fascinated by the description of his spyglass. Imagine finally seeing the craters of the moon for the first time, and in 1610!
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Monday, August 4, 2008
Not sure what to think
Ben Jonson's Masque of Blackness and the Natalie Zamon Davis's conception of Africa

I really enjoyed all the raedings this weekend. They were all different and all enlightening in their own way. Ben Jonson's The Masque of Blackness was really fascinating. I feel it is really unique and teachable. I definitely want to teach it some day. It is fascinating to read about the English superiority and the place of King James in the scheme of things. It was Queen Anne for whom the Masque was written as she wanted to be seen as a blak woman. The lines, "As of Phaeton that fired the world.." were interesting as they convey the white presumption that black people were miserable as the sun had blackened them. Also interesting was to note that the sun is actually King James in "Britannia who makes all tongues sing..."The King can possibly cure them of their physical wounds as well as political displacement.The image of a hundred torch bearers around the Black God Niger dressed in silver and azure sounds compelling. I wished every minute that I could see the Masque. On your left is the image of the Masque I found in a painting.Its pretty close to what I had in mind for the torch bearers.
Davis' Conception of Africa made fascinating reading as well. Chapter 5 of Trickster Travels did the trick for me, the earlier chapters did not. I liked finding out that Africa comes from Ifriqiya although I also read other versions of its name making. It was also interesting to read the debate on Egypt on Page 129 .Here are a few other stories around the name Africa from
- the 1st century Jewish historian Flavius Josephus (Ant. 1.15) asserted that it was named for Epher, grandson of Abraham according to Gen. 25:4, whose descendants, he claimed, had invaded Libya.
- the Latin word aprica, meaning "sunny", mentioned by Isidore of Seville (sixth century) in Etymologiae XIV.5.2
- the Greek word aphrike, meaning "without cold." This was proposed by historian Leo Africanus (1488–1554), who suggested the Greek word phrike (φρίκη, meaning "cold and horror"), combined with the privative prefix "a-", thus indicating a land free of cold and horror.
- Massey, in 1881, derived an etymology from the Egyptian af-rui-ka, "to turn toward the opening of the Ka." The Ka is the energetic double of every person and "opening of the Ka" refers to a womb or birthplace. Africa would be, for the Egyptians, "the birthplace."[8]
Redefining Centrality
Sunday, August 3, 2008
More believable
Monday, July 28, 2008
English vs. Spanish
Should we tolerate other cultures?
But Spenser's "A View of the State of Ireland" presents different reasons for Britain's intolerance of Irish culture, reasons that more closely resemble modern concerns. Spenser, as represented by Irenaeus, explains to Eudoxus that the British government should send military forces to Ireland to dominate the Irish because the Irish are so "barbaric" that even British laws cannot civilize them. While Spenser goes to great lengths to exemplify the Irish's barbaric behaviors, what it all comes down to on page 20 is one's ability to support a particular form of government and follow that government's rules. This doesn't seem different from modern concerns. Aren't the Americans the defenders of democracy? It's seems less outrageous for our country to militarily occupy another country if they don't believe in democracy than it does for us to occupy a country because the people practice a different religion. Take Nazi Germany for example. That's an obvious historical example in which a nation did not follow the principles of democracy and it was evident, at a certain point, that the US needed to intervene. But what about in today's world? Can we continue to justify our time in Iraq and other Middle Eastern nations because of their lack of democracy? Do we have the right to be there? And if we stay, do we commit to nation building or is that a lost cause (as some politicians would have it)? It bothers me that Spenser called for Britain to invade and occupy Ireland, but didn't Britain feel threatened? Don't nations have a right to protect themselves? These are things to consider as we move forward in the class.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
"Thomas Harriot's voice seeking harmonious co existence with a hint of restrained ambition "
Harriot has not hidden his liking for the people he met.His Christian beliefs and habits are staunch but do not blind him so much as to view other people with a sense of insecurity or aggressiveness. He views them as 'worthy potential neighbors'. He is aware of the English superiority in science, warfare and life patterns but he is also keen to establish colonizers in Virginia and does not cloud their minds with presumptions or racial misgivings. In this stand, Harriot is a true modern day diplomat. He is an excellent emissary to receive information from as he will never use a tone that will hurt future relationship building in any way whatsoever.
He is relieved to discover that the people do not know many war strategies or have hard edged weapons. he sees in them a potential for being good Christians but only when the time is right.His manner of describing their religious practices is such as that will put a missionary on a slow and steady path towards their conversion and never put the English in so much over awe of their own religious superiority so as to forgo the sensitivity needed towards this process.
His approach towards Winoans Winginas and other natives is peaceful and non violent which puts him and his fellow travellers in an esteemed position with the natives. The mildness and objectivity of his account surely benefitted the English much more than many an aggressive and passionate versions of Christian superiority related by travel writers and eagerly read by the west in the century.
The art of propaganda
Beginning with his description of the native's religion, one cannot miss the similarity to Christianity. Although there were no written accounts, they were passed "from father to son." Addtionally, they believed in the "immortality of the soul" which is "either carried to heaven, there to enjoy perpetual bliss or else to a great pit hole...there to burn continuously." And finally, there were reports of individuals rising from the dead, just like Lazarus in Christianity. So we have the father and son, heaven and hell and rising from the dead. Sounds like Christianity to me. How encouraging it would have been for the English back home to see that the religion of the natives was so similiar to theirs that conversion would be a piece of cake.
Additional evidence of the push for English settlement lies in his descriptions of the land itself. The soil was "fatter, the trees greater...finer grass, and good as we ever saw in England"-perfect for grazing animals in other words. Also, "in some places more plenty of their fruit, more abundance of beasts, the more inhabited with people,...with greater towns and houses."
Obviously cognizant of Spains hold on the new world, the intent of this account was to encourage the English to take their own hold of the new world before it was completely in the hands of Spain. I don't know about the English, but there was much is this account which would have made me consider an Atlantic crossing.
One other observation-I couldn't help but notice was how so many natives were dying after Harriot and his men left a particular region-no they were not gods like the natives supposedly believed, but merely more vicitims of the germs the Europeons left in their wake.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Early Racial Superiority in the tone of Vespucci's Account
Objectivity in de Leon's Account
When analyzing the text, one should keep in mind that it’s not solely meant as an account of Peru but also as a persuasive text. De Leon, in his correspondence with Europe, is required to write in such a way that his account seems reliable. Columbus faces the same challenge, but to legitimate his findings he announces the appropriation of his geographical findings for the Spanish crown—it is specifically the rhetoric of conquest. From a twentieth century perspective, I would imagine that de Onis would classify de Leon’s writings as “objective” for several reasons. Firstly, de Leon relies on logos to legitimate his claims. He seems to be dedicated to compiling an objective image of Peru, and we, in turn, read his account as such. His rhetorical “mapping” of the city of Cuzco seems scientific because of its citation of the cardinal directions and other specific geographical markers (rough terrain,” “between two small brooks,” and “mountains of the Andes)” (248). If we consider de Leon’s writing as a map, its centrality focuses on the city of Cuzco and Peru itself. This is in contrast to Columbus who seems to remain focused on Spain even while describing the Americas. Spain is still important to de Leon, but he uses his reader’s knowledge of Spain to help them in understanding Peru. For example, de Leon writes, “Thus, just as in Spain the early inhabitants divided it all into provinces, so these Indians, to keep track of their wide-flung possessions, used the method of highways.” Of course, comparisons do not always function to create an accurate understanding of the other, but de Leon seems dedicated to making Peru accessible to Europeans.
Even with his somewhat objective viewpoint regarding Peru, de Leo remains aware of his authorial power. Writing, like mapping, is a form of worldmaking, and de Leon reminds us that he has the power to determine what picture of Peru’s world he wishes to share with us. He admits that he makes “no mention of the silverwork, beads, golden feathers and other things” because Europeans would not believe these things. This comment fascinates me for its various implications. First, De leon’s intentional omissions may underscore his dedication to maintaining his credibility regarding his other testimonies. Such a dedication could stem from his desire to accurately portray other aspects of Peruvian culture or from his desire to maintain authorial power. Additionally, his comment suggests that the world of Peru had already been introduced to Europeans, and consequently, they’ve already developed panoptic vision—previous images of Peru disallow them from imagining Peru in a drastically different fashion.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Vespucci is appauled that the society does not have a church, religion, or does not idolize anything. His descriptions of the natives are different than Columbus. Vespucci for example describes a society with barbaric piercings, canabalists, and poisoned men. He descrbes there is not much to the area aside from gold and good weather, which are the only two similarties whithin the two journals.
Cortes also discussed his encounters with religion, he explains how he removed some religious idols of the Mexicans and replaced them with his own images, "in which created sorrow", but still he showed no remorse.
Their thoughts and views on religion and culture from other areas they are not farmiliar with, are fascinating to me. They all thought they were superior to others in belief and religion. They all wanted the natives to eventually follow in their own beliefs.